To my beautiful daughter, always remember: You are brave, you are capable, you are pretty and you can accomplish A N Y T H I N G your heart desires. unknown
There is nothing more special than having a Mother and daughter session together. It doesn’t matter what age you are you can do it any time. Every year or every 10 or just for a special occasion. It doesn’t matter as long as you do it at least once in your lifetime. Mothers, daughters, we all change over the years and photos give us the window to look back on to see those changes that have taken place. Some people don’t get the privilege of being able to do that.
I can’t emphasize enough, the importance of capturing these moments while you can as we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Life is short, it’s so important to leave a legacy for your generations. Stop making excuses, fear is not an option and money will take care of it self. Laura and Thea now have those moments captured forever. Having her hair and makeup done, gave Laura a great experience it made her feel confident and look good too.
Thea 4
Create your Story with Wall Art
She said….. Wow, it was an amazing experience, because, I had my hair and makeup done, coupled with having my photos taken with my daughter. Going through all the photos at the end was great. I really can’t wait to receive them all framed and ready to go on our wall. Bonus point is, she is great with kids and getting them to smile.
Laura Ewing
If you would like to capture a treasured moment with your children get in touch we would love to hear from you. If you would like to know more about our products and prices or if you would like to talk with us then schedule a call here.